Bruce's Blog!

May 5th 2013

I know it’s been a while. Sorry. I haven’t made much progress in the comic area. I’m still working on Iron & Ink. I’m still going to Derby City soon (the Adventure Time print previewed last time turn out great) & actually just got some more Clobber Vance trades printed.

Most of my time has been spent on freelance work. It’s not comic related. It’s not even illustration based. It’s animation for various people who do various thingsā€¦ but it pays. Again, sorry.

I promise that the next update will be a few new pages of Iron & Ink. That fair?

Don’t forget that me & the entire Break-Ins crew will be at the Derby City Comic Con June 29th at the Kentucky International Convention Center in Louisville, KY!!


  1. May, 2013

    that looks so blurry

    • May, 2013

      Because i used an iPhone & not a camera to take the picture. I will never do that again. Sorry.

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