Bruce's Blog!

Session 29; Mike makes shit up and Bruce does not believe it.

Collected Issues Session 29
The latest TMNT trailer talk.


Bruce is always recording.

Mike is all hoped up on the Turtles. He digs deep into the mythology and loves every bit of that mutha’!

Are there more Turtles cartoons that any other property ever?

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3 killed Bruce’s sense of wonder and joy.

Schwarzenegger would have been a great Shredder… if only…

Bruce’s fav Turtle run was the weirdest one of course. Go Bruce.

Pizza Hut used to be better…

Michelangelo is always disappointing when you brush your teeth!

Beebop has weak hips… such a shame.

Ninja; the other N-word.

Arcade games were the best! They were also educational.

Bruce accidentally read a book on his phone while pooping. It was Wednesday.

Then we end it all with a billion dollar idea. Dan?

Next session; Witch on Witch violence… maybe.

Music: Water by Ra Ra Riot & Rostam.

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